
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Why the people of southern part of Sudan need their place as separate country???

                   South Sudan is the newest country in the African continent.As the name says it is somewhere related to sudan..yes,absolutely its related to sudan its the southern part of sudan now  its called as South Sudan...Its 193rd country country recognized by United Nation and its the 53rd African country to be recognized.
             why the people of southern part of sudan need their place as separate country??

                      Though the South Sudan is enriched will oil throughout the southern part of sudan its underdeveloped...Religion plays  a vital role that it does not made or trying to make the southern part of sudan to get develop...Northern part of Sudan is majority of people belongs to Muslims and the southern part of Sudan is composed of Christians....this is the main reason why the people of southern sudan are neglected....this war inside the nation continued for 40 years..More than 20 lakhs of human beings were dead...      Even though the first nation to support for South Sudan is Sudan  but there are lot of  hidden facts behind their support..Sudan will be organising and support the terrorist  to destroy the South Sudan and get all the revenues of South Sudan....

                In the field of Agriculture,housing and tourist department,etc they must develop..surely it will take 20 years to get developed in all the fields...In the mean time the developed nations will try capture South Sudan...its equally comparable with France in the total land space area...let us see whether South Sudan is going to be a like France or Cango.....


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